Blog da Biblioteca do IES de Curtis: Shirin Ebadi


Shirin Ebadi

Muller, iraní, avogada e activista polos dereitos humanos e pola democracia.
No ano 2003 recibiu o Premio Nobel da Paz. Foi a primeira muller musulmana en recibir este recoñecemento internacional.

O 10 de Decembro de ese mesmo ano pronunciou as seguintes palabras en Oslo, no solemne acto de recepción do Nobel:

"If the 21st century wishes to free itself from the cycle of violence, acts of terror and war, and avoid repetition of the experience of the 20th century - that most disaster-ridden century of humankind, there is no other way except by understanding and putting into practice every human right for all mankind, irrespective of race, gender, faith, nationality or social status."

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